Watch Lindsay Lohan Courtroom Tears Video | 90-day Jail Sentence

Troubled young actress Lindsay Lohan got her 90-day sentence in the Los Angeles County Jail from Judge Marsha N. Revel on Tuesday afternoon for violations of her probation. The star will also spend 90 days in an inpatient substance abuse program.

Judge Revel handed down "30 days in jail on the reckless driving case, 30 days in jail on the first DUI case (consecutive), and 30 days in jail on the second DUI case (consecutive). That is 90 days in jail."

Hearing the news of her future prison time, Lilo burst into tears and looked shocked by the sentenced.

However, a report from the LA Times noted that in all likelihood, she will only serve a small fraction of the 90 days - Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said women sent to jail for nonviolent crimes generally serve 25% or less of their sentence due to overcrowding. Whitmore said the exact time served can depend on the wording of the judge's order and the level of overcrowding in the jails.