Watch Total Lunar Eclipse December 2010

Skywatchers will get to witness one of nature's most beautiful spectacles - a total lunar eclipse - during the waning hours of December 20th and into the early hours of December 21st as the Sun, Earth and Moon will align precisely, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.

Major Eclipse Phases

Penumbral Eclipse Begins 05:29:17 UT
Partial Eclipse Begins 06:32:37 UT
Total Eclipse Begins 07:40:47 UT
Greatest Eclipse 08:16:57 UT
Total Eclipse Ends 08:53:08 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends 10:01:20 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends 11:04:31 UT

During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can display a spectacular transition of colors from bright orange to blood red and more rarely dark brown to very dark gray.  If you'll miss the eclipse on Monday or Tuesday, depending upon your location, you unfortunately must wait until 2014 to experience the next one.